Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are considered to be confidential and are reviewed by the members of the editorial board and/or qualified reviewers. When a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it is given a control number (e.g., TA-2021-001) within five (05) working days of submission and will be assigned to one of the editors (Always refer to this control number in communications with the Journal Editorial Office). Editor will check for plagiarism and will go through the initial editorial review process. If the manuscript is acceptable to the journal scope and eligible to go into the review process, it will then be sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers within two (02) weeks. A double-blind review system, where the identities of authors and reviewers are not known to each other, is applied. The manuscript will be rejected by the editor at this stage if it does not conform to the journal guidelines.

Generally, the corresponding author is notified of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or require modification 8 to 10 weeks after initial submission. When a modification is requested, the corresponding author must either submit the modified version within one (01) month or withdraw the manuscript. A point-by-point response to the reviews must be uploaded as a separate file (identified as such), and a copy of the manuscript (without figures) should be included as a marked-up Manuscript if the editor requested one.

When an editor has decided that a manuscript is acceptable for publication based on scientific merit, the author is notified. A PDF version of the accepted manuscript will be sent to the author for confirmation.

Once all the material intended for publication has been determined to be adequate, the manuscript is scheduled for the next available issue. The TA’s editorial staff completes the manuscript’s editing to bring it into conformity with prescribed standards.

It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to inform the coauthors of the manuscript’s status throughout the submission, review, and publication processes. The reviewers operate under strict guidelines outlined in “Reviewer Guidelines” and are expected to complete their reviews expeditiously.